
Behold another uncanny valley. Behold a vision obscured.

The human body is composed of billions of individual cells, diverse in types and functions. Each individual cell requires nourishment to perform its duties. The blood stream is very useful in transferal and regulation of essential nourishment and other resources to most of the cells. Though some cells get their nourishment from other resources like the digestive tract. Some groups of cells, or organs, require more blood than other organs. And some organs move lots of blood through themselves and the rest of the bodily system. The various cells often times work in harmony so the body can perform specific tasks, when they do this regularly the bodily system can become healthier and more efficient. However, this bodily system is not without its own problems, many ailments and sicknesses can form both by accident, or through neglect. If left untreated long enough these ailments can threaten to permanently damage or kill the human body.

Some ailments are more dangerous than others. When the body becomes sick, sometimes even the self regulating systems of the body cannot fix the problem. When this happens, sometimes external forces or extreme action needs to be taken and a physician must be summoned. Sometimes even this isn’t enough, and the body remains on a path of destruction till it is too late. Some (but not all) ailments that can occur are things like, blood clots, gangrene, arterial plaque, sedentary lifestyle, autoimmune reactions, and parasites.

Back to the beginning.

The human economy is composed of billions of individual people, diverse in types and unequal in functions. Each individual person requires nourishment to live and be able to perform a duty or service. The money stream is very useful in transferal and regulation of essential nourishment and other resources to most of the people. Though some people get their nourishment from other resource streams like alternative economies and agorism. Some groups of people, or industries, require more money than other industries. And some industries move lots of blood through themselves and out to the rest of the economic system. The people in the economy often times work in harmony so the economy can perform specific tasks, such as defend themselves, or advance certain technologies, when they do this regularly the economic system can become healthier and more efficient. However, an economic system is not without its own problems, many harmful trends and deficiencies can form both by accident, or through neglect. If left untreated long enough these trends and deficiencies can threaten to permanently damage or kill the economy.

Some trends are more dangerous than others. When the economy develops problems, sometimes even the self regulating systems of the economy cannot fix the problem. When this happens, sometimes external forces or extreme action needs to be taken to fix the problem. Sometimes even this isn’t enough, and the economy remains on a path of destruction till it is too late. We should analyze some of the bad trends that can occur, and ponder on the effects.

Till next week.

The Audience

I am aware, analogies are never perfect, and rarely appropriate. This one is likely no different. Who is supposed to be the physician? The Government? Corporate Entities? Special interest groups? Another Country? Aliens? But that is alright, I am simply an asshole who doesn’t know anything anyway. So why are you reading this?

Frankly, I thought no one would read the insane rantings of a crazy person like me, however, I seem to be mistaken because I now have a staggering 9 ish “followers”. To put this in perspective, this is roughly half of the people I figured would statistically even find this cursed blog. I may have to redo my calculations and redraw my metrics.

I may not be able to even comment on my individual “followers” if this trend continues. But first to business. As an effort to drive away false “followers” (you know who you are), Let me be quite forward. I do not have time to “follow” any of you. So if you are here with impure motives of “following” me so that I will return the artificial e-peen enlargement, then you can just feel free to waste your time. I do not “follow” anyone who I can’t actually follow. Frankly, the economy is siphoning off my time and delivering it in sealed silver suitcases to some unknown third party entity to sell on the black market, so I have no spare time for you, (consistently at least, I have creepily dropped in on every one of my “followers” blogs just to see who is the (maybe) audience of The Audience).

And these are the findings of my creepy reconnoitering. We have once again another member of the filthy MLM. He is probably buddies of the last guy since they both seem to have a fascination with the acronym AWOL. I will cover more in depth the classification I slap on the type of organization (of which these two are a part) in a few weeks as I discuss the ailments of the Economic system.

Two more of the “followers” suffer from what I will one day explain (to the poor souls who drift onto this blog) as “Motivator Syndrome”. In short, these two classify as having motivator syndrome because they both run blogs about how to run blogs well. I need to check again sometime (oh elusive sometime) whether or not they have a second blog where they actually apply the advice they post on the first blog. I don’t remember if they had other blogs when I did my creepy eavesdropping. One of these fellows provided at least a few minutes of entertainment as they struggled to try and explain complex concepts like radio waves and frequencies (concepts which are taught to high school physics classes) and blame them for the “principle of attraction.” Pah.

The rest seemed to be fairly nice people, a mountain climber, a purveyor and curator of the finest that wordpress has to offer (why on earth did you stop here?), and a writer and blogger attempting to dispense mostly sane wisdom (truly flee the page you are currently on and seek out this man, it will do you more good than hanging around here)